It has been ages since my last entry…I’ll chalk it up to a winter hibernation. SO I will begin where I am at. My piece “Shifting Tides- Turbulence” was rejected from a show – After getting over it, I re-entered it in another show “The Edge” which will be at the Oregon historical society May 3 through-August 15, 2019. This piece is now entitled “Ocean’s Edge- Turbulence”. Needless to say, I am thrilled.

However the piece I created for this show- “My Feminine Edge” ( a self portrait / illustration of how living in Oregon’s masculine Paul Bunyunesque culture of “bros and beers” has brought out my girlie soft side. This one was rejected… Oh well… I‘ll just have to enter it in another show….

So now it is time to begin a new project.. something that is always so hard for me – to begin! (and when it gets to the middle – I’ll tell you how hard that is too). Anyway- I now have at least 4 ideas up on my wall. I don’t know what feels right; what I want to spend about the next 3- 6 months working on everyday- looking at everyday, being involved with everyday.
Hopefully there will be a next posting up soon with one thing up on the wall -my new beginning will have started.
Happy spring! May we all move forward in joy!
Love your Ocean’s Edge! Glad to see you publishing again!!
thanks! I am Back!
I personally love all your quilts, especially the one that is hanging in North Carolina. I wish I could go to the show in person, Keep at it you WILL continue to achieve success by creating beautiful quilts.
thanks! I would love to come to NC to see my piece again….also- when we talk – big Quilting conference in Sarasota in spring 2021- a bit down the road but here before we know it