Greeting one and all. This is the re-start to my blog. The past 2 years has given me the opportunity to refocus and gain clarity of purpose. Previously I was never sure if the blog and website were a platform to be myself or promote my work (Fiber Art and Tarot/energy balancing). This confusion had paralyzed me. Now, I have come to terms of what I want to do in this forum -which is to show my work, my feelings, thoughts and my full authentic self. It is time to allow my whole self to be seen.
This first new entry is about the project I have worked on for this past year: “Emergence: from Concept to Stitch”. I submitted a proposal and portfolio to SAQA (Studio Art Quilt associates) Oregon to create a piece and document my process (from concept to stitch). I was honored to be accepted along with 20 other artists. AND the book of all of our work, process notes and final pieces has just been published.
I hope you will check it out!